Thursday, September 5, 2024

Brompton Ride & Hike to Mt. Tohnodake 1491m

In order to escape from terrible heatwave in summer, I tend to go anywhere well beyond 1000m in its elevation in the past weeks. Today's destination, Mt. Tohnodake, is located in Tanzawa Mountains and popular for its spectacular view with Mt. Fuji and other high mountains around it. 

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Brompton World Championship 2024

I joined the Brompton World Championship held at Coal Drops Yard in London on Saturday June 22nd, 2024. Contents include: Introduction, Qualifying Heat One (2nd batch), Male Final, Female Final and Awards Ceremony. I myself ran in the second batch of the first heat.

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Old Brompton completed Mt. Fuji Hill Climb cycling race!

My old Brompton and I challenged the 20th Mt. Fuji Hill Climb cycling race, distance 24 km and total ascend 1,255m, on June 2, 2024. Despite rain forecast, blue sky came up and more than 9000 riders enjoyed this great race in dry condition.

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Brompton Owners Meeting in Shimanami 2024

On the May 19th Brompton and I were a part of the Brompton Owners Event, The 10th Brompton Lovers Meeting in Shimanami. Totalling 221 Bromptons assembled on the beach of Marin Oasis Hakata in the midst of Shimanami Kaido. 

[day 1]
route:  Setoda Bus Stop, Setoda Port, Marin Oasis Hakata, Imabari
distance: 54 km

[day 2]
route: Imabari, Marin Oasis Hakata (meeting), Setoda port
distance: 46 km


Joining the ride group from Onomichi, started toward Imabari.  

Before departure, enjoyed lunch at a local restaurant. 

Tasted nice tempura and sashimi.

And dessert of local orange taste.

Marin Oasis Hakata, venue of the Brompton Owners meeting tomorrow, on a day before. 

What a beautiful day!

Going to cross the last bridge.

A memorial shot after landing Shikoku main land.


121 Brompton got together in waterfront.